DEAD: Martha Washington


Martha Washington (aged 70)
1st First Lady of the United States and Wife of President George Washington until his death in 1799

Martha Washington (June 2 1731 – May 22, 1802) was the wife of George Washington, the first President of the United States. Although the title was not coined until after her death, Martha Washington served as the inaugural First Lady of the United States. During her lifetime she was often referred to as “Lady Washington”.

DEATH: Martha’s health, always somewhat precarious, declined after her husband’s death. Two and a half years after the death of her husband, Martha died on May 22, 1802 at the age of 70.

Following her death, Martha was interred in George Washington’s tomb vault at Mount Vernon. In 1831, the surviving executors of Washington’s estate removed the bodies of George and Martha Washington and those of other members of the family from the old vault to a similar structure within the present enclosure at Mount Vernon.

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